Thursday, June 20, 2013

What's on your....

I love lists. I make lists for everything and leave them laying everywhere. I bet there are probably five different grocery lists in my purse right now.. So I saw this today and thought it fit me pretty perfectly.

What's On Your....

To-Do List: Clean the litter box, give the dog a bath, clean the house, finish the laundry, pull weeds in the flower bed, pick up my prescription from the pharmacy, order King's Island tickets for Katelyn's birthday, mail Katelyn's preschool paperwork, figure out which math class I'm taking next semester.. Ugh.

Mind: Oh, so many things.

Bucket List: Finish school, get a good job, provide a good life for my kids, make it out of Richmond.

Regrets List: Not going to college after high school. Not "finding myself" sooner.

Last Credit Card Statement: Nothing, it's empty. (Woohoo!)

Shit List: Close-minded & judgmental people. Butterflies. Nancy Grace.

Playlist: Lots of alternative and 80's rock.

Qualities in a Friend List: A sense of humor, an open mind, and patience (I have 2 kids. A usual 5 minute conversation takes about 20 minutes.)

Go-To Menu: I like quick and easy. Subway veggie delight, anyone?

Workout Regimen: Hitting the trail for a jog or power walk. I hate pretty much all other exercise.

Must-See-TV List: I'm a TV junkie.. More specifically, a trash TV junkie.. But I love Revenge, How the Universe Works, The Client List, Army Wives, Pretty Little Liars, Awkward, and Brain Games. And CNN! Duh, I love CNN. I have a signed picture of Anderson Cooper on my dresser. Framed. Totally not kidding.

Quote to Live By List: "Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

"Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in." - Isaac Asimov

"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground." - Teddy Roosevelt

Celebrities You Admire List: For what they represent and stand for, Ricky Gervais, Kristen Bell, Seth McFarlane, Zach Braff, Emma Watson, Ellen DeGeneres, and Emma Stone.

Movies That Never Get Old List: Fun With Dick & Jane, Cruel Intentions, The Notebook, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club

Life Advice For Your Kids List: Be happy. Be a good person. Do your best.

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