Sunday, June 16, 2013

My weirdest habits

When I told my husband I would be writing about this topic, he told me I could go on for days. He's right, but I picked three so you don't think I'm a total freak.

1.) I won't buy the first item (unless it's food) on the shelf. I will move the first one and grab the second one; especially if it's something like lotion or perfume. What's the first thing you do when you go to buy one of these things? You try it out! You open it, you smell it, etc.. I don't need someone else's nose all over my perfume, am I right?

2.) I unplug the coffee maker when it's not on. I swear this stems from Christopher telling me once that a coffee maker caught on fire. (Remember my fear of fire?) If the coffee maker is off, it has to be unplugged or I'll lose my marbles. My husband makes fun of me all the time, but I used to unplug the microwave and electric can opener too, so I've made progress. My mother-in-law leaves her scent warmers (is that what they're called?) on all day while she's at work and it keeps me up at night. I need therapy.

3.) I look in people's windows.. Ha! Now wait just a second. I'm not some creeper, but if I'm driving by at night and your lights are on and curtains are open, HELLO!, I'm going to look in. My husband has admitted to doing this too, so I know there are some fellow creepers out there!

I really hesitated on pushing the "publish" button because of that last one. Don't worry, I'm not looking in your windows! And don't judge me, but feel free to comment with some of your own! ;)

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