Thursday, June 20, 2013

Random acts of mischief

Since I got a pretty good response to my public apology, here's a little spin off..

It's easy to think that our kids are the only ones who ever do anything wrong. It cracks me up to get on Pinterest and read about all of these fantastic parenting techniques and activities that would really only work for June Cleaver. I've tried these and my kids do not cooperate. Don't get me wrong, my kids are good - most of the time - but Katelyn is extremely energetic and curious, and Jameson follows whatever his big sister is doing. But just because my kids aren't picture-perfect doesn't mean they aren't normal. Whoever said family life was supposed to be like some old-fashioned sitcom? So instead of sitting here and typing about how picture-perfect my kids are, I'm gonna let you in on some normal mommy secrets.. I won't be winning any mother-of-the-year awards after this one, but moms don't talk about this kind of stuff. I'm not sure why because I get a pretty good laugh about them AFTER they happen (and all messes are cleaned up). So here are some anti-picture-perfect acts from my little rascals. ;)

In Katelyn's short 4 years of life, she has managed to...

  • Try to turn coffee grounds into an afternoon snack
  • Draw on a brand new remodeled booth with dark blue crayon at a restaurant that will not be named
  • Use the (brand new) couches and carpet in the living room as her canvas with mustard and chocolate syrup
  • Draw a cute little picture on our newly-painted bedroom walls
  • Squeeze two entire bottles of honey into my diaper bag
In Jameson's short 2 years of life, he has managed to...
  • Draw a cute little picture on the living room wall.. And the kitchen wall.. And his bedroom wall.
  • Somehow leave a decent sized hole in his bedroom wall
  • Rip open a bean bag chair in his crib
  • Spend an entire meal at the very same restaurant that will not be named (different occasion) throwing wet wipes over the glass divider onto a poor guy on the other side.

Like I said, my kids are pretty good and I love them to death, but I feel like shouting from the rooftop to all the other moms out there that these things happen and it's NORMAL. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. So do all you moms feel a little bit more normal now? :)

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