Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cleaning day

Once or twice a week, and sometimes more often than that, I'm burdened with the task of cleaning the house. We don't live in a mansion or anything, but after a few days of toddler living (times 2) and sheltering a very furry dog and my not-so-organized husband, our 1200 square feet of paradise turns into a disaster. Today was one of those days that I motivated myself to plow through the madness and restore the house to its (almost) normal state..

I had already started some laundry before Christopher got home, but it wasn't quite finished. When the kids laid down for a nap, the race was on. I started in on the cleaning. I usually hate the dishes and put them off until the last minute, but today I did them first. I really hate doing the dishes.. Loathe unloading the dishwasher like no other chore that has ever had to be done. But like I said, I started there. I had just finished unloading the dishwasher when my husband came in and started to load it. The usual for my husband. I don't know if he thinks he is helping me out or if he just doesn't know what else to do, but if I'm in the middle of doing something, my husband is the first to try and finish the job. This drives me nuts. If I have to do any part of the dishes, I would rather load the dishwasher - the easiest part. I suggested he dust or clean the bathroom if he wanted to help. He then walked toward the living room, away from the dusting spray AND the bathroom. But he didn't get out of it that easily.

When I finally convinced him to do some dusting, I trudged on to bathroom. I cleaned the toilet, the sink, and the shower (yeah right, I didn't clean the shower), then I decided to check on the husband. He was standing in front of the TV texting. To his credit, he had at least finished the dusting. I silently debated with myself whether or not I should ask him to vacuum. Does your husband vacuum? I haven't gotten a peer review on this, but I have this theory that men do a horrible job so their wife won't ask them to do anything again. Sorry, Christopher, it won't work this time. I had about 20 minutes before the kids would decide that they were not going to sleep, so I had to move fast. It's been said that having toddlers is like running a blender with the lid off. Whoever said this was a genius. It does not matter how well you clean your house, toddlers will find a way to destroy it in about 5 minutes.

So anyway, my husband vacuumed after I decided that he was qualified for the job (no one was coming over and I wasn't looking for perfection). In my husband's defense, it is pretty much impossible to clean up all of Peanut's hair. She runs and lays in another room whenever she hears the vacuum, so unless you chase her around and sweep up the circle of hair where she way laying, you have to settle for what you get. I swept and mopped the kitchen and bathroom, so that left the husband with the living room, hallway, Jameson's room, Katelyn's room, our room, and the office. Sounds like a lot, I know, but keep in mind, I do this EVERY week (sometimes twice). He managed to sweep the living room and our bedroom before losing focus and turning on Mario. Ya gotta love him though. He really does try.

By that time, the kids were out of their rooms and we had to start dinner. We still hadn't swept the kids' rooms, the hallway, or the office, and there was a load of laundry in the washer that needed dried, one in the dryer that needed folded, and an overflowing basket of folded clothes that needed put away. It's okay though. The washer will probably run three more times with the same load of clothes because I will keep forgetting, the load in the dryer will run once more to get the wrinkles out when the washer is finally done, and the clothes will sit in the basket until we've worn them all. Even if we had swept the kids' rooms, they would need swept again tomorrow. I have learned to just be satisfied with whatever I can accomplish in my very rare spare time.

So here we sit a few hours later. Dinner is done and the kids are playing Mario and you can't really tell we even cleaned.

If none of this pertains to you, then I assume you're Supermom.. And can you come clean my house?


  1. haha!!! Love this! And no, I don't clean the shower either. We do a deep clean once a week. Sometimes once every two weeks.... Yuck. can't believe I admitted that. Who has the time?! Jordan does the dishes about once a week. He is in charge of the litter box, and I do everything else.

  2. My house is very clean! I've been living here a week give it a month or two. I will soon become lazy again lol
