Sunday, June 16, 2013

My public apology

Good grief. It's been a long time since I wrote a new blog post. I actually kind of forgot I had a blog (oops!). So tonight I give you not one, but TWO, new posts! First up, I am checking another idea off of my blog challenge and tonight it's issuing a public apology. (Some of you might already know where I am going with this.)

Dear teenage girls waiting in line and employees working at Sally's Beauty Supply,

It may have come to your attention that a few weeks ago I was in the store looking at nail polish with my - almost - 4-year-old daughter. (I know you noticed because I spent the entire time telling her to "Come back here," "Stay away from the door," "Get out of the way," and "Stop throwing that.") I was just trying to get in and out as quickly as possible. When I finally had enough time to actually look at the nail polish between chasing my daughter around and putting things back she had messed with, I waited in line just like you to pay for my items. Little did I know, my daughter was standing behind me while I was being rung up with her pants - and underwear - around her ankles. I am very sorry that you had to see this, and I'm sorry that I couldn't make eye contact with anyone as I yanked her pants back up and walked out of the store, more embarrassed than I ever have been in my entire life. I asked her why she did this when we got in the car and she said, "Because it was funny." I feel obligated to tell you that she had to have learned this from her father and I was in no way involved. I hope you accept my deepest apology.



  1. OMG! I have never heard of a child doing that! I don't know whether to laugh or feel for you! lol

  2. Haha! That's awesome! But, be sure to tell her Story said that's not lady like :)
