1. I went back to school. I honestly didn't think I ever would, but I've successfully completed two semesters with a 4.0 and have already received two certifications. I still have a long way to go, but it's a start. I'm glad I waited to go back because I would have changed my mind a million times and, consequently, wasted a lot of money. Never in a million years did I think I would be studying legal office administration.
3. I lost over 50 pounds. I'm sure you all know about this by now. I have all but gone to the tallest building in Richmond and shouted it from the rooftop, but hey, I'm proud of myself! For four years I would try to lose weight, but I wouldn't stick with it. It only took a high blood pressure reading, gallstones and a gallbladder removal, and high cholesterol to kick my butt into gear. I - literally - worked my ass off to lose this weight and it is not coming back.
4. I changed my lifestyle. I don't stuff my face like I used to and exercise is no longer my worst enemy. Here's a picture of a normal meal for me now. A plate full of veggies and some fruit, granola, and yogurt. (No, it's not Greek. Shame on me.)
And to think a year ago I hated cauliflower and would gag at the thought of yogurt. I decided that my health and being around for my kids' future was more important than 10 minutes of indulgence. I also made the decision to become a vegetarian 3.5 months ago.
5. I'm starting to find myself. In my twenties, I've developed hobbies and interests.. Stuff I just really like to do. I like politics and science, doing my nails, and baking. Teenage years are so rough. I wasn't good at anything and I didn't have any hobbies, but in my twenties I feel more independent, more comfortable, and more accepted when it comes to what I like and who I am.
You can plan out your whole life, but I can pretty much guarantee that the cards won't fall that way. All in all, these accomplishments mean more to me than anything I could have thought up 10 years ago because they're real. I put in the work and now I get to reap the benefits. Beats some fairy tale plan any day.
P.S. A new blog theme is the works.. Check back later. :)
Soooo not where I thought I would be by this age! Life really does throw too many curve balls. I'm really proud of you though. You have accomplished so many amazing things! You're a great mom and a wonderful inspiration! :)