Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My 3 biggest fears

Three biggest fears. I could come up with a million. My head is like a constant reel of worries forever playing in my head, so how do I narrow them down to just three?! Well, I really tried and this is what I came up with..

1.) Like you had to ask? If you know me at all, you know I see those disgusting winged creatures who flutter around and stalk you outside as the little demons of the insect world. Yes, I'm talking about butterflies. Just thinking about them gives me the creeps. I was going to post pictures, but I changed my mind as soon as I started typing this post. No thank you. Anyway, I should also include moths in this category because they are equally disgusting. You never know where they are going. They're flipping crazy. Yuck.

2.) Fire. I am so terrified of it. I hate even using a lighter to light a candle. I have this irrational fear of my house catching on fire even though my house has never actually caught on fire. My whole fear of fire is actually pretty irrational.

3.) My third biggest fear is probably a toss up between heights and small spaces. These are pretty common, so I don't feel so weird about them. 

This list is pretty boring and predictable other than the first one, but aren't we all kind of afraid of the same things? Spiders, heights, death, etc... One fear that didn't make the list: people dressed up in full-bodied animal costumes (think Spongebob at King's Island, mascots at sporting events, and so on). Who are they trying to fool? That's creepy and every kid knows it.

Coming up next on the blog: A letter to my 16-year-old self.

QOTD: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde


  1. love, love, LOVE, that you are back!!!! You doing the "blog every day in May" challenge? Also, why can't I follow this?!

  2. I just kind of thought of some ideas for my own challenge and copied from various other challenges for when I can't think of anything. :) I'm not sure why you can't follow me.. I'll have to figure that out!
